BeyondPod can import feed subscriptions from Feedly. This provides a convenient way to manage your feed subscriptions on your desktop and then import them to your device.
To import your Feedly feeds, use Add Feed >
Import Feeds > Import From Feedly.
With BeyondPod you can subscribe to individual feed or to aggregated feeds
comprised on all new posts across all feeds in a given Feedly folder. You can find
the aggregated feeds as import choices in "My Feedly Items" or as "All new items
in..." inside each folder on the Feedly Import list.
When synchronizing with Feedly, BeyondPod recognizes "Read" and "Saved for Later" (Starred)
items and will automatically "push" any status changes back to Feedly (the push will occur about 15 minutes after you mark the last item as Read
or Starred).
When there are pending changes that were are not yet "pushed" to Feedly, the feed
"Refresh" button (on the right side of the feed header when looking at the feed
content) will have a small "flash" icon inside. Tapping on the refresh button will
immediately push all pending changes across all feeds back to Reader.
All feeds that are loaded from Feedly pass thru a sophisticated feed processing engine that fixes most issues and incompatibilities in the format of the original feed. If you find a feed that has problems loading in BeyondPod directly, subscribing to that feed in Feedly and Importing it to BeyondPod usually makes the feed load correctly.
If you later decide that you no longer want to synchronize your feeds with Feedly,
you can easily disconnect all feeds by going to: Menu > More > Settings > General Settings > Disconnect from Feedly.